Established in the year 2000, the Research Committee on Economic Sociology aims to promote the exchange between economic sociologists working in Switzerland and thus to strengthen the position of economic sociology in the Swiss academic landscape. To this end, the committee organizes regular conferences and informal meetings of its members. The theoretical and thematic orientation of the economic sociology promoted by the committee is understood to be very broad in order to take into account the diversity of the discipline in Switzerland.
The committee supports all researchers in Switzerland who analyze economic processes and structures at the micro- meso- or macro-level from a sociological perspective using theoretical reflection and qualitative and/or quantitative methods. It does so in particular by organizing panels and semi-plenaries at the bi-annual conference of the Swiss Sociological Assocation, as well as by organizing mid-term conferences on specific topics, in collaboration with members of the research committee.
As a meeting point of different language areas with their respective research traditions, Swiss economic sociology should also be established as a place of international dialogue and cross-linguistic inspiration. In addition, the committee aims to promote studies in economic sociology and publication projects in order to deepen empirical knowledge of the Swiss economy and make it more widely visible.
Although the analysis of economic aspects of society is a core competence of sociology, its voice is rarely heard in political discourse and in the mass media. The committee aims to counteract this trend by offering researchers interested in economic sociology a forum for the exchange of experiences and dialogue, thus contributing to more resonance outside the university sphere. In particular, the committee aims to emphasize and cultivate a shared sociological identity beyond all intradisciplinary controversies.